Howdy folks,
One of the things I've noticed is that ever since the Florida
Citrus growers sued the National weather service for not predicting a
freeze some years ago, the forecasters cover themselves by predicting
the coldest temperatures in the predicted range.
Even if it goes below forty, there are a lot of recently planted
babies that need to be covered like all those Basil plants in herb
gardens all over Austin.
Another thing I've noticed is that while much is made of the
'Average last freeze date " in early March, it still mean. being an
average that we still have a fifty-fifty chance of a freeze. I once
saw an Ag map of "One in ten chance of a freeze" that farmers use when
they don't want to risk a number of acres on a fifty-fifty planting
The date when Austin drops to a one in ten chance of a freeze, if I
remember correctly was March 30 th, which sounds about right since old
timers can all tell you about the time it froze in April. If you are
spending a large amount of money on a landscape with frost tender
plants that would be a good date to remember. ( Although nothing will
stop the tomato planting gang from setting out plants too early )
I also think if I heard Jim Spencer the other night, right, that
April 3rd was our latest freeze of the season for some number of
years. Someone else in the group may have better info.
I know I can count on at least one more cold front after I've
climbed up into the attic and turned off the pilot on the gas heater.
take care,
Steve Coyle