Cutting through paving to plant climbers
In article . com,
Martin Pentreath writes:
| Thanks for the advice Mike and Boypete. An angle grinder attack was my
| original plan, but then persuaded me that using a core cutter
| would be better! The advantage I can see of the core cutter is (a)
| that a nice round hole would be kind of neat, (b) because my patio is
| small I can't afford to lose too many of the slabs themselves, and (c)
| that I think I have a pretty hefty and thick sub-base of aggregate
| under the paving (the guys who laid it didn't cut corners) which the
| core cutter could go through down to the soil relatively quickly (I've
| got four of these to do).
That is a VERY strong argument for getting the slabs up. You need to
ensure that the climbers can get their roots down, and woul won't
know if you have just broken through one layer of several if you use
a core-cutter. You can always cut a small section out or even use
a core cutter, once it is up, but you need it up to break up the
layer underneath.
Unless the idiots did what they did next door (would you believe 18"
of poured concrete?), a pickaxe/grubaxe would be enough to deal with
the sub-layer.
Nick Maclaren.