Splitting Tomatos
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28-03-2003, 09:32 PM
Scott Brady
Posts: n/a
Splitting Tomatos
G'day Tom,
The weird thing is that I have grown them before with no problems. It is
only since we moved to Northern Queensland that I have seen this happening.
Ah! Well! I might try another variety next season.
Thanks anyway.
Scott Brady
Tom Elliott wrote:
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 08:38:53 +1000, Scott Brady
G'day all,
I have a penchant for growing old varieties of Tomatos.
At the moment I am growing a variety called "Tigrella".
It seems that a lot of the fruit that I pick are splitting.
Am I watering the poor little fella's too much, or could there
be another reason for this?
I also grew a variety of tomatoes this year. Out of all the tomatoes
I grew, only the Tigerellas split (not all of them, about 20%).
Perhaps it's in their nature to do so.
Normally splitting is caused by not enough water, followed by a good
soaking, but I kept my garden moist throughout the growing season.
Tom Elliott
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