I am SOOOO ready for SPRING!/Long
Yes, so i suppose there will be a million of these posts in the next 6
weeks, but i have to spill some of this glee! My friends don't garden.
The last 2 days i cleared all weeds from my tomato garden plot. I
added manure and a little topsoil, mixed it all up, and am waiting for
the rains to come. I made a new "melon patch" behind the tomatoes.
Today i bought and started indoors, large beef hybrid tomato seeds,
catalope seeds, and watermelon seeds that grow 3 1/2 foot vines only.
(2 fruit per vine), and cantalope seed. You can almost watch cantalope
grow. I weeded my rose beds and pruned them down to about a foot and
cut off the dead stalks. They have new growth all over them in 2 days.
I have tulips up and i have 2 hyacinths in bloom. I still have about
an hour of weeding to do in the front. One is my iris bed on the side
of the house, and the other is where i will be putting some pretty
bushes and flowering trellis vines. (zone 7, done lots of research,
still not sure what i want) Along with seeds, i bought 8 caladium
bulbs for 4.88 at Walmart. If you go to walmart and look at the plants
and bulbs they have, you cannot walk out without something! I wanted
more, but spent all but 1.25 that i had on me. I am going to plant
them along the back of my pond with the elephant ear i have mulched
over, behind them in the corner. The bag says to plant jan/feb by
thier little color coded map. Online it says to plant in MAY! I don't
think i can live waiting that long!!! (Camille sighs as she lays the
back of her arm on her forehead and falls onto the bed in dispair)
I have 4 pond plants inside i am dieing to get into the pond. The
other pond plants are thriving in the pond winter or not. Then the
last thing will be the house plants, some desperate to go outside.
Actually there is one more thing....I have to come up with 2 "small
trees" or "large/tall thin bushes" to go on either side of the house
but close enough i don't want to endanger the foundation with roots.
Any ideas on that? I will keep looking as i have been. Another idea is
to drive around and if i see something i like, go ask them what they
are. I think i will do that.
I know there are a lot of people pumped/waiting for spring. I am
certainly one of them.
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