Originally Posted by Dave Hill
On 13 Apr, 22:05, "Martin Harran" wrote:
"Dave Hill" wrote in message
On 12 Apr, 18:40, Stan The Man wrote:
In article , Martin Harran
Anyone know where I can get the large self watering baskets like the
used by Councils?
I'm looking for abot 50 - 70 of them for our local community
association -
have searched online with no success.
Google seemed to work for me.
Why dont you phone the parks dept of your local council
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries
My local council doesn't have a parks dept and doesn't hang baskets
You are allowed to phone another council that does use them.
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries
Just google "self watering hanging baskets" with the quotemarks, dozens of sites.