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Old 13-04-2007, 06:45 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren Nick Maclaren is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,752
Default Lawn mower - small lawn!

In article ,
"Road_HogŪ" No Spam writes:
| Because the lead is usually designed to cover the area that the mower was
| meant to cut. Plus most people don't like having to play around with
| extension leads and dragging a 100Ft of cable around with them, especially
| if it's damp. The resistance in the cable reduces the performance of the
| motor as well.

Ah. Fascinating. Well, speaking as someone who does do that, the above
is a lot of natural fertiliser.

| Well, you're already modifying the mower and incurring extra costs. It isn't
| just that, the electric motors are made to a budget and the blades are
| pretty poor as well and you're just compounding it.

Costs? Boggle.

You are clearly prejudiced against electric mowers :-)

Nick Maclaren.