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Old 28-03-2003, 04:08 AM
J. H.
Posts: n/a
Default help with high light/high co2 tank out of balance = greenwater :( help

Hi everyone.

First the specs of my tank:

Size: 200lt (approx 50gal) 3ft tank
Lighting: 6 x 30w T8 fluros of mixed color (5000k, 6500k, 10 000k) =
Filter: Eheim Professional 2224
CO2: Dupla system injecting through diffuser into filter
Substrate: 2mm natural gravel with laterite in the bottom 1/4
Fertiliser: Water coloumn none so far, susbtrate Jobes deep under root
Fish: None
Plants: Fast growing stem plants

This tank has been setup for 3 weeks now (it has no fish) and was clear for
about a week and now has a greenwater bloom in for about the past 2 weeks it
so its definately out of balance. I have it heavily planted with fast
growing stem species and during the day they are bubbling non stop.

A few days ago I added some column fertiliser (pmdd) and some calcium
chloride to buffer the water. These are the measurements I took this

pH: 6.2
kH: 2.8 or 50ppm
gH: 90ppm
CO2: 53ppm !!!

Ooops I check the bubble counter and it was dosing at about 2 bubbles per
second. I promptly turned it down a lil.

My natural tapwater is:

pH: 7.4
kH: 40ppm
gH: 50ppm

I just need some advice from you guys as what you would suggest to do to get
rid of the greenwater and in general how I should go about dosing my tank.
I have all the pmdd chemicals as well as flourish and flourish iron.

I look foward to hearing your suggestions and dosing reigemes so I can get a
better understanding on what I should be doing to keep the tank in balance.
