Russian vine
On Apr 7, 5:50 pm, "'Mike'" wrote:
wrote in message
I was riding this afternoon through Bluebell woods, lovely place, mile
after mile of bluebells and primrose. My horse was a bit skittish
when two very small rabbits ran under his hooves and I almost ended up
amongst the bluebells!
Would your horse by any chance be an Arab???????
One of my daughters used to breed Arabs and that is just their
characteristic :-) She too had a large swage of Bluebells on part of her
land. Don't know if she ever ended up in them though :-(
Yes Mike he is an Arabian Stallion, but regrettably he is not mine, he
belongs to a friend who used to run a livery and stables and kept him
and another couple for family. I ride him whenever I can, which is
good for him and for me.
Your daughter is very lucky to have been involved with breeding them,
I have only been involved in as far as going to Newmarket to the
Racing School and seeing them being put through their paces, lovely
sensitive animals.