Thread: Russian vine
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Old 05-04-2007, 02:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
La Puce La Puce is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Russian vine

On 5 Apr, 12:05, "Renee" wrote:
I posted them earlier, Nick. I'm looking for something that will cover
a fence that is roughly 25 foot long by 5 foot high. I want something
with small flowers, easy to maintain, and which will also mask the
fence, which is quite unsightly. I'm not sure about the soil, but the
fence is south-facing. There used to be blackberry bushes there, but
we had them all uprooted years ago. (Although shoots sometimes still
appear through the lawn!)

I admire your patience ...

Are you close to the russian vine you've seen? Because now would be
ideal to take a few cuttings and simply plunge them in some compost
and they'll root easily. I've propagated all our vines in this way,
sometimes putting a cutting directly in situ at the edge of the wall.
I've done Akebia in this way (but mine is not in flowers, yet).

I'd suggest also for your fence a jasmin, if you want flowers. Again,
you'll need to maintain it as with every climbers I'm afraid. Some
grow slower than others, some do flowers then do berries and then a
superbe foliage in autumn, like the cotoneaster. You could also have a
variegated ivy, no maintenance there at all beside perhaps cutting in
the spring huge clumps of them coming forward from your fence (but
these usually bears the flowers so it's up to you). I use a lots
around my house and it's great for the birds. Also it's evergreen. HTH