Russian vine
I understand it's called polygonum aubertii. I've seen it on fences
while travelling through Teesdale and did once stop the car to ask a
householder there where she got hers, but she said she'd inherited it.
It looked lovely and I'd like some for my fence. It's south-facing,
roughly five foot high and twenty-five foot long. If you think it will
be invasive, then maybe you could suggest something similar i.e. that
totally covers the fence and produces flowers of some kind. The
Russian vine I saw produced tiny white flowers and looked quite
stunning when in full bloom.
many thanks,
I once grew one along a fence. By the second year it had completely taken
over the fence and was scrambling up onto an out house roof. The problem was
it needed trimming every one or two weeks in Summer - it put out shoot
around a foot long each week! I've never known a plant grow so fast.
We've since sold the house. I'd be curious to see if the vine is still there
or if it has completely taken over the entire terrace row.
Norman Digger.