it doesn't seem fair
NetMax wrote:
My understanding is that certain states are banning Koi (ie: Maine).
I think Maine goes too far - they`ve banned certain tropicals that will
never be pests, even if they believe they have survived winters. That
doesn`t mean, though, that there isn`t good reason to ban Koi.
The Chinese
spent many years linebreeding for the colors we see on Koi
Maybe we can export our Bass & Sunfish to the orient, to buy them back
more colorful - as long as their new colors don't get them into an
undesirable (ie: illegal) category ;~)
Part of the reason for banning these fish is the spread of Bass! Nova
Scotia naturally has few to none. Fishermen who think bass fishing is the
height of sport (yeah, right - those fish will swallow _anything_ - anybody
can catch bass) have released them into most of our rivers and they`re
destroying everything else.
- Unless otherwise noted, I speak for myself, not rec.ponds.moderated