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Old 27-03-2007, 02:45 PM posted to austin.gardening
Jangchub Jangchub is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 683
Default Are GM Crops Killing Bees?

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 00:23:43 GMT, "Noncompliant"

Rationale and scientific points of view, like everything else today, is
become a political agenda. Hire the right scientist, and he'll say
anything. End purpose, maximize financial profits. But that's digression
from the issue at hand. Otherwise known as dilution.

Bees pollinate our agriculture, thus feed us... Read the OP.

What was the agenda to go into and invade a nation based on lies? Why
are there more men and women dead and tens of thousands with missing
limbs any better off than the people in the Twin Towers? Was that my
agenda? Why were U.S. Attorneys fired and replaced by "agenda"
attorneys? Why does the administration feel they can have no cameras,
no sworn statements behind closed doors with no transcription okay?
Why does the Navy test sonar (sp?) to the point where dolphins and
whales drop dead of massive internal bleeding? Why aren't there any

If this makes me agenda-full, so be it. The use of GMO is equivalent
to the addiction to fossil fuel we make sure we have. Yes, I have an
Ford, Expedition. It is over ten years old and has 66,000 miles on
it. Our other car is a Honda, Accord. Still poor gas mileage.

Yes, we all do have an agenda. What's yours? To NOT have one?