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Old 27-03-2007, 02:23 AM posted to austin.gardening
Noncompliant Noncompliant is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 22
Default Are GM Crops Killing Bees?

"Justin Wilson" wrote in message

"Jangchub" wrote in message
On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:12:42 GMT, "Justin Wilson" wrote:

"Jangchub" wrote in message
... migrating
butterflies, mainly the Monarch. Then there's Round-up ready soy
beans, corn with Bt-K GMO, on and on. Monsanto and Dow Elanco
continue to kill us.

Well, just in case you didn't know, over the past several million years,
species have come and gone fairly often. It is a NATURAL occurrence.
extinctions in history have zero to do with "mankind".

Yeah, that's always the response I get from people in denial. Yeah,
the earth melted ten thousand years ago. However, it didn't melt
within fifty years, it took thousands of years.

Bees are disappearing so it isn't going to matter much anyway since
without them there will be no fruit, or very little to choose from.

My mother in law hates Al Gore, won't watch "An Inconvenient Truth,"
and says with great vengence and hatred as a good Catholice that, GOD
IS IN CHARGE. Oh well.

It is usually wise to be rational and scientific, as opposed to
ideological, unreflective and impetuous.

Rationale and scientific points of view, like everything else today, is
become a political agenda. Hire the right scientist, and he'll say
anything. End purpose, maximize financial profits. But that's digression
from the issue at hand. Otherwise known as dilution.

Bees pollinate our agriculture, thus feed us... Read the OP.

Money don't wag the dog's tail.