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Old 20-03-2007, 11:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
shazzbat shazzbat is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 780
Default Pigeons ate my broccoli! Again!

"Sue" wrote in message

"Cat(h)" wrote
Rhiannon Macfie Miller wrote:
Just once, could I have one year growing broccoli without the pigeons
getting to it at some stage?

Does anyone have a falcon I could borrow?

No falcon here, but Tom Jones' greatest hits, dangling in CD form from
a few bamboo canes strategically placed over the seedlings did the
trick for my brussels sprouts last year.

Some gardeners swear by plastic carrier bags fixed to stakes so
they billow and rustle in the wind, although I haven't tried that, and
they don't look exactly picturesque. I have wondered about getting an
air gun but I'm too much of softie to use it. A net held clear of the
plants with some sort of frame or cage works best, imo.

I use sticks much longer than necessary to tie the plants, and I tie some
lengths of old video tape to the tops of them, this helps, and is slightly
less unsightly than the plastic bags method.
