Potatoes in containers?
No promises, but I am experimenting with keeping rabbits out of my
"goodies". It might work on other pests also. Once I planted about 100
feet of potted cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Within
3 days, all I had left was about 12 cabbage plants left. I put a small
fence up around them and saved them from the rabbits.
The next year I decided not to mess with them at all, but my daughter bought
21 Brussels sprout potted plants and gave them to me. This time I started
on one end of the 50 ft row, and planted a clove of garlic, then a Brussels
Sprout, then a garlic, and so on to the other end of the row. The rabbits
left them all alone.
Again, no promises that it will work, or that my experience wasn't a fluke,
but I am convinced it kept them out. I will try it again this year. With
the cost of bulk garlic in the stores, it is worth a try.
Good luck. Dwayne
"Karen Zack" wrote in message
In article , stan wrote:
I would like to grow some potatoes this year. I have no ground to put
them in. Any suggestions? I've heard of 55 gallon drums being used.
Planting then adding soil as the plant/plants grow. Any advice is
appreciated. Particularly personal experience.
Stan zone 5 and warmer today
This just came up yesterday out at my community farm. Some friends have
a compost bin but have just planted it with potatoes and plan to use it
for that purpose this year to see if it works. They started it near the
bottom and will add more and more soil over time as they grow.
The purpose is because our community farm is overrun with pocket gophers
and squirrels, and they eat more than their fair share of our crops
every year!
I'm thinking about trying this with a big container, maybe with some
chicken wire around the bottom, to keep the gophers at bay. Had some
very delicious gold yukons last summer but the gophers had a nice little
feast on many of them.