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Old 20-03-2007, 06:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Cat(h) Cat(h) is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 422
Default Pigeons ate my broccoli! Again!

On Mar 20, 5:42 pm, Rhiannon Macfie Miller
My broccoli is (was) almost ready to start harvesting and I was looking
forward to eating the first shoots sson. I was eating breakfast this
morning and, looking out of the window, I noticed that two pigeons had
landed on top of the net protecting my broccoli plants; the net had bent
under their weight and they were happily pecking away at the plants.
The worst of it was that there was nothing I could do about it; I had no
stronger taller stakes to hold the net up with, and I had to go to work
and leave them to eat my broccoli

I went to B&Q before coming home and got some stakes and put them up.
But every year the pigeons have found some way of getting at my broccoli
at some stage in the proceedings, so it's entirely possible they'll find
another way to get at them. I'd managed to keep them away so far and
they're the strongest, biggest broccoli plants I've ever grown. Now all
their top leaves and shoots have been stripped off.

Just once, could I have one year growing broccoli without the pigeons
getting to it at some stage?

Does anyone have a falcon I could borrow?


No falcon here, but Tom Jones' greatest hits, dangling in CD form from
a few bamboo canes strategically placed over the seedlings did the
trick for my brussels sprouts last year.
