Shade-loving ground cover to supress weeds
In article , David Hare-Scott wrote:
"Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish" wrote in message
You're going to need to drill fill / cut paint or hand pull the
privet, and you will need to remove all tradescantia. It sounds like
you live in an area like mine. The groundcovers we have that do well
Dichondra (kidney weed)
Hedycaria (native violet)
Comelina (scurvy plant)
New Zealand Spinnach
Oplismenus gracilus (nice low pretty grass with no common name, does
well in shade).
If you can get cabbage palm seeds, they work as a groundcover for the
first few years.
Hedycaria (native violet)
Comelina (scurvy plant)
New Zealand Spinnach is an amazing weed supressor. If you can get a
couple of plants going to maturity after a year or so, you'll have
more than enough plants, and a good soil stored seed bank.
If you're in the right area, oplismenus will come back on its own
accord after the weeds get under control. My impression is that
Tradescantia seems to out compete it majorly.
Oh yes, another plant worth encouraging / reintroducing is Geranium
solanderi - a native geranium with similar properties to NZ Spinnach.
Again a native of creek bank areas it reappeared spontaneously in our
If you want to communicate more about this, email me off-group.
Instructions for recovering my real email address are in my
signature. If you can tell me where you are, etc I may be able to be
of more help. I'm in the Illawarra.
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