On 18 Mar, 17:07, "Rupert \(W.Yorkshire\)"
"Lord0" wrote in message
ups.com... Hi there,
I'll keep this short. I got an Amaryllis bulb for Xmas which has now
flowered (and very nice it was too), the instructions stated that it
should be discarded after flowering. Is there no way I can keep it
going for next year? It seems a shame to destroy it.
The bulbs are reared to give that one wonderful display and unless you are
prepared to give them a strict regime of care then it is unlikely that you
will get much ,if anything, in the way of blooms.
This site summarises the best technique for their care, but you may have to
endure a season without flowers until the bulb has recovered from the
commercial forced growing.http://www.thegardenhelper.com/amaryllis.html
Best thing to do with them is to keep them growing, saw it on a
gardening prog and tried it, worked very well, just keep them pot
bound, water and feed, and you will be rewarded with more blooms,
often more than one flower spike. Best I had was a flower spike with 6
blooms, and mine were kept groeing for several years with NO stopping.