Thread: Compost trench.
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Old 15-03-2007, 03:51 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Carol Hague Carol Hague is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 67
Default Compost trench.

Dave Hill wrote:

On 15 Mar, 13:43, (Carol Hague) wrote:
I've dug a compost trench on my allotment for the benefit of the runner
beans eventually.

This morning I arrived to find evidence of digging and contents of
trench spread over several square yards :-(

From the amount of activity and spread of stuff it looks as if it was a
fairly large animal - badger, fox or dog at a guess.

Should I have put more soil over it? Stamped it down harder? Put up
"Badgers keep off" signs? Any advice gratefully received....

You could get some Armilitox and water lightly with6 or 8 to 1
solution, that should keep them off for a couple of weeks or so.
I have also had some success with using a strong solution squirted
into mole runs, it's kept the little B*****s at bay for several
It's useful stuff.

Thanks, but I'm really not keen on using chemicals if I can avoid it -
should have mentioned that to begin with, but I forgot - apologies.

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