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Old 27-03-2003, 06:44 AM
Marty & Patty Weiser
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Growing Box = Ground

I agree with Roger that the best place to buy Hardware cloth is at your
local hardware store rather than a big box store. However, I like the 6
mm (4 wires per inch) rather than the 3 mm (8 wires per inch) for grow
box bottoms since I use a coarser soil mix. We debate this annually at
the IEBS club meetings.

If you cannot find it locally, McMaster-Carr carries
hardware cloth along with many other types of wire cloth. It is in the
middle of page 335 of the on-line catalog as "Economy Galvanized Steel
Welded Wire Cloth" (a search of the site for hardware cloth is not
productive). The price is competitive with the local hardware store
before shipping (shipping probably makes it more expensive). I ended up
buying some 3 wires per inch for soil sieves this year after a
multi-year search and the local hardware store not being able to find it
for me.


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