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Old 13-03-2007, 08:13 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
La Puce La Puce is offline
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On 13 Mar, 18:20, "Sue" wrote:
One of the very earliest I remember was about rhododendrons and how long
they take to flower from seed. See the thread titled 'shrub ID please'
from November 2005.

Oh I remember indeed! It was a plant ID - it was a rhodo and Ruppert
thought it was a skimmia. Then he realised it wasn't. I then thought
about potash since it didn't flower and because it was a rhodo from
seed and it was very young I did mentioned that it took 2 to 3 years
to flower from seeds, which they do. And indeed it degenerated - I had
a kneejerk reaction there because I was told I was misleading in
capital letters. I got annoyed because I knew I was right. And who
gave me agro? The same very person who is still giving me agro now.

As for quoting without giving references - I've been studying for 4
years now and I'm surrounded with references books and notes form
college etc. I'm even trying to get hold of copyrighted material and I
can't, as you've seen!! I grow a lot of plants too and agapanthus
happens to be one. Perhaps next time I should just phone or email a
friend who runs a nursery and ask him or her or their spouse and tell
you about it that way. Is it more acceptable? Pah!! It's ridiculous