Disapearing posts
On 13 Mar, 14:47, Broadback wrote:
Martin wrote:
On 13 Mar 2007 07:27:06 -0700, "Dave Hill" wrote:
Is it just me?
Over the last few days I have posted several replies to threads and
have been told they have been sent, yet they never appear on the
You plonked yourself?
I'm having the opposite problem, when I attempt to send it refuses
saying I am not authorised. Of course if it happens with this one you
will not know that will you?
There's something strange indeed Dave - not sure if Broadback and
Martin you're on google groups - but there's a huge delays. My posts
says they don't go. I delete them for fear of being shown twice, and
then they appear. Or, I see nothing posted since 11am and suddenly it
shows from 14.00 and back to 11am. Weird.