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Old 19-02-2003, 10:27 AM
Ray @ First Rays Orchids
Posts: n/a
Default Beginner seeks advice on orchid plants, books, fertilizing, growing medium .....


You have made several mistakes already, the most severe of which was buying
orchids in the first place! Your home will be overrun in no time. (Welcome
to the addiction!)

Rather than me reiterating a lot of stuff here, try pointing your browser to

A couple of specifics for what you've described: while most hybrid
phalaenopsis like the same temperature, light, and humidity conditions,
those in moss will need an entirely different watering regimen than those in
bark-based media. Some folks have a miserable time with moss, as it holds
water really well, so they tend to waterlog their plants, leading to root
rot and plant loss. Just remember that the plants like to stay moderately
moist, but need a lot of air flow to the roots. I would suggest watching
that bit of your culture technique very closely, and decide what media
characteristics are right for you and your particular watering tendencies.

While Sue is right about the variety of stuff that can be grown in the
home - and she barely scraped the tip of the iceberg - I believe you are
doing the right thing by sticking to phals until you really understand
what's going on with orchid growing.


Ray Barkalow First Rays Orchids
Secure Online Ordering & Lots of Free Info!

"Tessmann" wrote in message

I *finally* bought some orchid plants - something I've been wanting to
do for a long time. I live in Dearborn, MI, which is near Detroit. I
attended a seminar at a local gardening store and they had phalaenopsis
in a variety of different colors and patterns. They were buy one get
one free so I got four, and went back after they got another shipment
and got six more. My wife questioned my *sudden interest* but has
decided she likes the colors on several of them.

Most of them had at least one flower open and now they have three or
four open.

I started reading the orchid newsgroup and decided it's time to ask for

What are good types (families) for beginners or should I focus on the
phalaenopsis until I have the hang of this? Anyone have any *baby*
plants they want to donate or sell?

I'm looking for recommendations on books for a beginning orchid grower.
Any suggestions will be appreciated. If you have some you've *outgrown*
and would like to sell, pls send title, price, etc.

Recommendations about fertilizing? At the seminar she said use high
nitrogen fertilizer in summer and high middle number in fall for
flowers. Also said use very weak strength and use at every watering.
When should I switch to fertilizer for flowers? Is it OK to fertilize
while they're flowering? Some of the hang tags say not to.

What's best growing medium? Most are in moss and two in bark.

Any help, advise, etc. will be appreciated.

P.S. Dan, I saw your posts so I included you in this. JUST GO FOR IT.
Get some with buds and give it a try.

I saw this in another posting and thought it was funny. After looking
at his site, I decided it might become an addiction.

Rob's Rules:
1) There is always room for one more orchid
2) There is always room for two more orchids
2a. See rule 1
3) When one has insufficient credit to purchase more orchids, obtain

more credit

Hal Tessmann