On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 23:08:55 -0000, "Jim Webster"
|!"Dave Fawthrop" wrote in message
. ..
|! On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 20:16:24 +0000, Alan Holmes wrote:
|! |!On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 20:04:55 +0000, Dave Fawthrop
|! wrote:
|! |!
|! |!On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:48:33 GMT, "Alan Holmes"
|! |!wrote:
|! |!
|! |!
|! |!|!Why do you stupid buggers keep crossposting this rubbish to so may
|! unrelated
|! |!|!newsgroups.
|! |!|!
|! |!|!It would help if you just posted it to the groups you read it in.
|! |!
|! |!It is all explained at extreme and tedious length in the links given in
|! my
|! |!sig.
|! |!
|! |!You may have noticed that they hate my guts for explaining what they
|! are up
|! |!to plus some guesses as to why.
|! |!
|! |!Sorry about continuing the cross posts but I have no idea where you are
|! |!posting from :-(
|! |!
|! |!**** off, kook.
|! Now remind me which group uses *that* insult?
|! --
|!obviously a group containing someone too ignorant just to ask for their
|!group to be cut from the cross posts
Alternatively a group who regularly use crossposts ;-)
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