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"Anne Jackson" wrote in message
The message from Sacha contains these
On 10/3/07 12:21, "La Puce" wrote:
On 10 Mar, 12:03, "
Thanks for all the information Mike. I have received a letter this
morning which confirms that I won't have to killfile one person in urg
anymore as she has been ORDERED not to write in any way, shape or form
on a public group, anything libellious or inflammatory about me.
What? I can write what I want and when I want. You however cannot.
I've seen Sacha's letter and it's laughable. And if you mention, as
you've been told, my husband and my organisation once more, this will
then be more serious than you would have ever expected.
I don't think your 'colleague' as you grandly refer to the senior
of URBED London, considered it a laughing matter. His reply to me
as much. Try it on once more with me and I'll have a lawyer onto you for
harassment so fast, it will make your eyes water.
For crying out ****ing loud, Sacha! Do you EVER say something and MEAN
Are we NEVER to have any peace and quiet in here, until you finally prove
that you are a totally unreliable LIAR!! I will admit that I breathed
a HUGE sigh of relief when I read, last Monday, that you were leaving!
This behaviour is causing people, good people, helpful people, to abandon
this group in you think for one minute that we can't survive
without YOUR input? We managed fine before you arrived, we'll manage
fine when you leave...
Just GO AWAY, as you SAID you were doing, or take it to e-mail, or talk
through your bloody lawyers, but for crying out bloody loud GIVE US PEACE!
I think you are putting your ire to the wrong person, you should be
addressing Puke!
If everyone put Puke into their killfile we would not ahve to read all this.
"Better To Die On Your Feet Than Live Forever On Your Knees"
Dolores Ibaruri (La Passionaria)