What is this tree?
In message .com, Only
Me writes
Hi all
I have a tree in my garden and I'd love to know what it is so that I
can get some more. Currently it's about 6' tall with a spread of
around 5' and has white blossom that smells amazing. The scent is
very strong and sweet. The blossom usually last for around 4 weeks.
Can anyone tell me what this might be, please? Thanks.
If you mean that it's being blooming recently, then there's several
There's a group of early-flowering, strongly scented, honeysuckles, such
as Lonicera purpusii and Lonicera fragrantissima. (Also Lonicera
standishii, if memory serves me correctly.)
Some Daphne's also flower early, and a strongly scented. The most
obvious are Daphne bholua and it's cultivars, such as 'Jacqueline
Postill', but at least some forms of Daphne odora are in flower in
February as well. These plants lack petal, and the prominent part of the
flower is composed of 4 white or purple-tinged sepals. (Purple in bud,
and to a lesser degree on the underside when in flower.)
The early-flowering cherries have come into flower in the last week or
so. To me blossom means plants like cherries, applies, hawthorns, etc,
but you might be using the term more widely.
Viburnum tinus (Laurustinus) is another early-flowering, white-flowered,
scented (IIRC) shrub. This is evergreen, but there are also deciduous
Viburnums, such as Viburnum x bodnantense (which is stronger scented to
my recollection).
And no doubt there's more possibilities.
Stewart Robert Hinsley