"Janet Tweedy" wrote in message
In article , Nick Maclaren
Odd. However, following on from another thread, sports are fairly
common in most plants, and it isn't impossible that you have one that
is effectively self-sterile. If that is so, replacing it by another
plant would work. But I doubt that explanation.
Nick Maclaren.
Not sure if it will help, but when I moved to this house in '79 there were
several blackcurrants bushes that didn't seem to fruit.
I wanted to move them anyway so dug them up and planted 5 hardwood
cuttings, just shoving the stems into the ground (I did add a bit of sharp
sand to the trench)
They grew and fruited fine.
Might this be a solution?
Thanks, Janet, but there isn't a suitable spot to which to move it. It has
just been too frustrating. I had visions of making jam, crème de cassis and
pepping up summer puddings when I planted. A farm near the city was selling
them in bulk last year for about 8 quid for a gallon-sized ice-cream bucket
full, so I bought some.