What is this tree?
"Only Me" wrote
Hi all
I have a tree in my garden and I'd love to know what it is so that I
can get some more. Currently it's about 6' tall with a spread of
around 5' and has white blossom that smells amazing. The scent is
very strong and sweet. The blossom usually last for around 4 weeks.
Can anyone tell me what this might be, please? Thanks.
I'm sure someone will be able to help but you didn't say when it
flowers. There are numerous shrubs and trees with scented white blossom,
so we'd need rather more info.
Can you describe the flowers and foliage with more detail?
A picture is worth a thousand words and would make id-ing easier, so
could you also post a picture to a webpage (not to the group) and give
us the link?