Thread: Blackcurrants
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Old 10-03-2007, 09:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren Nick Maclaren is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,752
Default Blackcurrants

In article 1DzIh.2837$zU1.2107@pd7urf1no,
"graham" writes:
| I have a blackcurrant bush that I planted about 10 years ago (with another
| that died over winter, and 2 redcurrant bushes). I have never picked more
| than about 4 or 5 blackcurrants from it!! The bush flowers but the fruit
| don't set.
| I've talked to various experts, including one who has a 90 minute, weekly,
| Q&A gardening program on the radio, and they're all flummoxed.
| It grows like the clappers (I cut it back last year) and the redcurrants
| fruit profusely.

Odd. However, following on from another thread, sports are fairly
common in most plants, and it isn't impossible that you have one that
is effectively self-sterile. If that is so, replacing it by another
plant would work. But I doubt that explanation.

Nick Maclaren.