On 10 Mar, 15:23, Jennifer Sparkes wrote:
Perhaps just giving a little more thought to what you write, checking facts
and not trying to answer instantly could help? Researching a subject is a
good way of increasing one's knowledge and getting facts right.
Also being able to accept, with dignity and good grace, the fact that what
you write/say is not always correct. I am not saying every time someone
doesn't agree with you it means you are wrong, just that sometimes there
is more than one answer because gardening in different situations can
mean different answers to the same problem.
The times you are wrong admit it and use it as part of your learning curve.
Remember - thinking before one posts helps ...
Sure. There's personalities as well, clashing badly. Maybe some
sensibilities - I'll do that, I will. And hope that those posting
nasty comments for the sake of it will be pointed out before
I ...well, burst out without thinking. Again.