On Fri, 9 Mar 2007 23:27:14 +0000, K wrote
(in article ):
Mike Lyle writes
OE allows killfiling, which is pretty well essential for a group like
URG which is under constant attack from trolls and egos. A better reader
also allows you to killfile not just individuals but whole crossposted
Turnpike has built in rules to kill article (can't see the point), whole
threads, particular subjects or particular posters, and you can create
customised rules, for example to kill posts that are crossposted to more
than a certain number of groups, or which are more than a particular
length (eg 200 lines)
The one I use, Hogwasher (Mac only) has a similar arrangement. It is
particularly useful to killfile the trolls that crosspost to umpteen groups,
and you can also killfile the ones that are crossposted to a particular
group. It also has a rule to keep the filter permanently, or delete it if
unused for (n) days - particularly useful against the morons that continually
change their identity, and saves the killfile from growing enormously. I
occasionally use Google Groups to look up something in a group which I don't
subscribe to, nor wish to subscribe to, but I personally find the whole
usenet experience so much better through a proper newsreader.
Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow:
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church: