On 9 Mar, 13:33, "La Puce" wrote:
On 9 Mar, 13:15, "Dave Hill" wrote: I have just found that there is a new Kill file for Google groups that
you can down load.
Go to the following and then do a search for Killfile
And it Works
Did you use this?http://www.penney.org/ggkiller.html
One needs Grease monkey o.6.4 and Firefox. Java Script seems to have a
bug (on that download). Have you tried it and it worked? It says that
it works on the titles but not on the topics. You still can see their
messages! Also it says that if someone replies to the troll the
message will no longer be blocked as the authors name will change. So
it's quite a difficult way around it.
Though it does say not to feed the trolls, which is the only reliable
way on google I've found.
I use Firefox so that's no problem, I find it does a good job in
sorting out trash , though some still gets through, but after 2 weeks
in Malta at the start of last month I got home to almost 3000 items of
mail, and of that all but 200 were marked as junk.
I have only had the killfile on today, but so far it is working, even
if you have to re kill sometimes it will still be better than nothing.
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries