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Old 04-03-2007, 10:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 359
Default Pruning fruit trees

On Mar 4, 7:45 pm, "Lettuce Pray" wrote:
Hi, I would like some basic advice after giving you some very basic
info:-) I have been asked to prune an apple tree and a plum tree. I
have seen neither yet. All I have been told so far is that last year
the plum tree cropped very well, but the fruit was too high reach. I
am reasonably happy with the apple tree. However, should I be trying
to prune the plum in such a way that it lets the branches droop under
the weight ( and risk breakage) or prune it to enable ladder access as
it is growing against a wall? We are in SE Scotland. Basically, how
and when. Hard, I know, from this basic description, but all advice
would be gratefully received.
Thanks, Johnny

Hi Johnny,

Mine were pruned late Autumn early winter. The plum will be pruned as
the sap is rising. I was given this advice many years ago here on
urg. The reason, so I am told, it to avoid silverleaf. However,
there are real experts here who can probably confirm whether my method
is correct.

Many urglers have apple trees and the advice seems to vary from late
Autumn to pruning in Winter. As to how to prune, take out branches
that are growing inwards to keep the crown open. I hope this helps.
