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Old 04-03-2007, 07:11 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Rod Rod is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 131
Default Heratage Pea seed

On 3 Mar, 19:07, "Dave Hill" wrote:
On 3 Mar, 18:36, "Rod" wrote:

On 3 Mar, 17:16, "Bob Hobden" wrote:

"Dave Hill" wrote

I have been growing Epicure for a few years now, a lovely pea, crops
over quite a time and I have had it up to 7ft.
Does anyone else grow any heratage peas or other Veg?

We used to grow "Time out of Mind", "Ne plus ultra" as well as "Alderman"
and others but with this area becoming more dry/hot each summer we started
to find they stopped cropping and started to die before they grew tall
enough. So we have given up with them and now only plant early short peas
like "Feltham First" and "Early Onward" that will have cropped before the
summer sets in.

Bob H
17mls W. of London.UK

I'm still growing 'Alderman' pea but we get a lot more rain than you
do, and the monsoon doesn't start here 'til late July/early August.
Also 'Caseknife' climbing french bean - one of those big flat podded
almost stringless CFBs, somebody gave me seeds some years ago and I've
always made a point of growing some in relative isoation to maintain
the stock. BTW if you want a nice early pea, have you tried 'Spring'?
a modern variety - not sure if it's exclusive to Marshalls. It is a
wrinkled seeded variety and gives us really good quality crops.

I would question your comment about having more rain than us.
We have been having around 80 inches a year for the last 6 years now,
ans since Xmas we have had just short of 20, (Twenty) inches of rain.
(Anyone want to but some mud?}
Havn't grow Alderman for many years.
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries- Hide quoted text -

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Sorry David, I was aiming that remark about rain at Bob but I didn't
make that clear. I know you've had a helluva lot of rain down there
the last few years. We're just in the rainshadow of Snowdonia here so
we average around 36 inches a year.