Thread: Garden Birds
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Old 03-03-2007, 08:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Dave Hill Dave Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Location: South Wales
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Default Garden Birds

On 3 Mar, 17:50, Martin wrote:
On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 17:19:57 GMT, Paul Luton wrote:
In message
Josie wrote:

I also feed sunflower, but greenfinch numbers were down by 90% I'd say
in winter. Numbers are picking up now. The chaffinches in my garden
don't feed at the feeders but on the ground beneath them.

Our chaffinches do at least try the feeder with much fluttering. The tits
grab a seed and take it to a branch to eat and the greefinches just sit and
munch. The space underneath is popular with dunnocks and the blackbirds.

For two years we had a white painted metal bird feeder. As it was getting rusty
we bought a transparent plastic one. The birds didn't appear to be interested in
the transparent plastic feeder. I put the same sort of food in the old white
metal feeder and it had all gone in two days.The plastic feeder is still half
full after two months.


I make my own bird food, 1loaf bread crumbed, Porridge oats, 1 mug
wild bird seed and 1 mug parakeet mix with 1 pack of dripping.
Cut the dripping into pieces and melt in the microwave on top of
breadcrumbs, mix in oats and rest of dripping melt and mix it all
together, then add the seed, mix, then I cut the tops off a couple of
2 litre pop bottles and ram the mixture into them with a rolling pin.
When set I cut the plastic bottle away and put the "Cake" in the nets
you get Oranges etc. in. Then these are hung in side a couple of empty
hanging baskets fastened together by 2 chains at the top to form
hinges with the 3rd chain having the food hung on it.
We have had up to 16 birds on the feeder at one time, and have greater
spotted wood peckers on them daily as well as a colony of long tailed
tits. in all we are feeding around 200 birds a day from 4 feeders.
If I change the colour of the nets, or hang the food flat instead of
down then they are less inclined to feed than from vertical orange
Strange things birds
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries