bokashi composting
The product that comes out of the Bokashi bin is not like regular
compost from a heap; it is wetter and is best suited to being worked
into the ground rather than the nice rich dark material you get from a
heap. The process is quick - a couple of weeks from filling the bin.
The secret is getting the right amount of activated bran into it. If
you add veg scraps it gets a little wet, adding more bran helps to
reduce this. I find there is little point in putting kitchen waste
that can go into my regular compost bin, but for products such as
meat, cooked food etc that should not go into a regular heap it is
great. I have had a white mould develope across the top of the waste
- which is apparently quite normal. Remember to drain it regully -
the liquid is clear in colour - well strawy and syrupy. The smell is
not very strong. Do close the tap after draining - if it drips it
leaves a sour milk smell!
Also remember to squash the air out after adding the scraps as the
process is anaerobic.
The bin is 18 liters in size - a good sized bucket. Doncaster council
were kind enough to offer them. Pleased they did.
Bawtry, Doncaster, South Yorkshire