"Sue" wrote in message
Uh? Sorry but what is this?
Derby, England.
Don't try to email me using "REPLY" as the email address is NoSpam. Our
email address is "thewoodies2 at ntlworld dot com"
"pp" wrote in message
.. .
I'm not sure whether this post belongs in an environmental group or a
gardening one but has anyone tried bokashi composting and what success
have they had? I've heard it's an easier alternative to worm compost.
It's a system where you can compost cooked foods, even fishbones, by using a
microbial bran. A lot of councils are now promoting the system as a way of
getting us to compost kitchen waste that cannot be put into ordinary compost
bins. It's supposed to be a quick, non-smelling system. My council have an
arrangement where it can bought for about half price. A good site that
explains it well is