Hi Tony,
Glad to hear all is well. Regarding the barrel. I have a lot of similar but
smaller containers, my son has them all hooked to the drip system so when
it comes on it fills and over flows a bit and the water has always been
clear and fresh in them. Another alternative is put duck weed or water
hyacinths in with the Papyrus and that will completely hide the water below
in a short time. ~ jan
On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 22:07:14 +1200, Tony Sanders
It's been some time since I gave any news on my new pond setup ... it
seemed to interest a number of fellow usenetters, so I will give a
short update.
The pond setup comprises a veggie filter (90 litres), a second (fish
inhabited) pond (190 litres) and the main (fish and tadpole inhabited)
pond (about 700 litres) - so, not a big setup :-). The water is
pumped up to the veggie filter (via a submersed mechanical/biological
filter), and returned to the main pond by way of an overflow into the
second pond and a short streamelt to the main pond. All is well, lots
of plants that are thriving and the the fish stock is growing well and
looking healthy. We haven't achieved clear water for any length of
time, but my partner and I actually prefer green water. The greeness
varies somewhat, but never gets what you might describe as 'soup
Veggie filter is working well, and the watercress/duckweed/ludwigia
plants are thriving, growing and (I suppose) filtering.
Stonework and deck surrounds and general decor is complete, lights
installed and marginal and surrounding planting completed and
thriving. Quite pleased with the outcome as it happens.
Anyway, the question relates to a half-wine barrel that we have
'rescued' from the garden (it had been filled with potting mix by the
previous owners and planted with dahlias). We have positioned the
barrel close to the pond, lined it, and filled it with water.
Currently it is the repository of a rather fine Cyperus Papyrus - but
I have never maintained a body of unfiltered/uncirculated water
before. Will the planned addition of a variety of plants (no
livestock) prevent the (say 75 litres) water becoming stagnant, or is
there something else I should do? I really don't want another pump -
I already have three running on the pond setup so far.
Tony Sanders
New Zealand/Aotearoa
See my ponds and filter design:
~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
To e-mail see website