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Old 26-03-2003, 11:20 PM
Carl L Rosner
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Growing Box = Ground

If there are any "old fashioned hardware stores where you live, try
them! Frankly, I am sure that you could make due with plastic bird or
deer Barrier. You just don't want the Bonsai soil to fall through. You
can staple them on the side of the wooden boxes.

Carl L. Rosner

John NJ wrote:


I went to Home Depot during lunch and asked three different people for
hardware cloth. Nobody knew what it was. When I described it they said,
"OH! You mean wire mesh. Go to building materials."

I found mesh lathe which felt sharp to the touch and had diamond shaped
holes. I also found concrete reinforcing mesh with huge holes. There
no chicken wire or any fencing material with small holes. They did have
stuff called bird barrier and deer barrier but that was plastic. Of
they had regular aluminum window screening.

Any other idea where I can get the material?

Thanks, John

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