Thread: And....
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Old 28-02-2007, 10:14 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Cerumen[_3_] Cerumen[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 112
Default And....

"Sacha" wrote in message
. uk...
On 27/2/07 22:51, in article , "Bob
Hobden" wrote:

"Sacha" wrote
......who did what today in their garden? Nobody here I can tell you.
have had high winds and rain, then everything went a bit sunny and then
all started again in a minor key. No gardening but some satisfactory
at a potting bench for me and away from the desk!

I picked some sprouts and got depressed about the waterlogged ground that
needs cultivating before it is planted but I dare not get on it until
dried out somewhat. Oh for some sunshine and a dry wind.

Amen. We had that yesterday, sun and a breeze but then it was back to
square one. This is a really horrible night. The rain is lashing down
the wind behind it. I had hoped we'd seen the last of the gales but ever
the optimist, I was bound to be disappointed. It is truly vile weather

And even worse here than it was yesterday but it is at least mild, about 12
C right now but certainly not outdoor weather if another option is

Chris, West Cork, Ireland.