Thread: Ipomea
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Old 28-02-2007, 12:23 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Tweedy Janet Tweedy is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Ipomea

In article , Nick Maclaren

| Ah well at least one of the plants I saw last year had seeds.
| I did get three seeds from an early set pod (with permission) but they
| didn't germinate.

I think that you will find that it is NOT I. indica. In fact, I am
surprised at that Web page, because at least most forms are much darker

I am now totally confused as I have seen pictures of the darker flowers
on the web and in books and also pictures of the baby/sky blue colour I
saw last year. Could there be different strains of this then?
The Ipomea in Swallowfield had set what looked like early seed pods and
I planted them but nothing germinated.

With reference to David's question about size, the flowers are much
bigger than the normal Ipomea but I am terrible at guessing dimensions
I'm afraid. I would have said they were at least an inch and a half on
average, bigger than the normal plants.

I shall do what someone suggested and contact Waterperry's again and ask
if they can tell me. Maybe I was unlucky with the person I spoke to last

Thanks to everyone for their help.
Janet Tweedy
Amersham Gardening Association