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Old 26-03-2003, 10:20 PM
Roger Van Loon
Posts: n/a
Default Ercilla volubilis (was: Clematis montana)

Charlie Pridham wrote:

Just another thing, Charlie. Remember the Ercilla volubilis that I
bought? It was just a yard away from one of the C. montanas, climbing
the same wall. And it has survived perfectly, just the tips are a bit
scorched. So, as far as I'm concerned, Ercilla seems hardier than C.
montana :-)


Smelling wonderfull at the moment it is in full flower and untouched by
winter, Ercilla main claim to fame down here is its ability to withstand
salt laden gales, not many evergreen climbers can claim to!

Not only that - but since it has proved itself hardy over here this
winter, I'm sure that it can be grown practically everywhere in the
I wonder why I have not seen it there. (Could it be a recent
And there are not that many evergreen flowering climbers, period.

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