Thread: Garden Birds
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Old 26-02-2007, 09:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Alan McKenzie Alan McKenzie is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 79
Default Garden Birds

Thanks Jenny I'll give it a go.
"JennyC" wrote in message

"Alan McKenzie" wrote in message
Birds in the last few days have been very sparse - usually get a few
Blackbirds, one male with a white patch on his right chest - been here a
few years, Robins, Sparrows and the mandatory Ring Necked or Collared
Doves and pigeons.

However two days ago had a sparrow hawk perched on the main feeding
station - only seen the pigeons the last day or two.

Have tried to attract tits and other species with sunflower hearts and
nigra seed - over the last three months but to know avail - my friend a
few streets away gets loads feeding from feeders filled with those seeds.

I have most success with 'fat balls'. I use any seed mixes I can get from
various sources. There always seems to be one bird or another that eats

Saw a tip in a magazine for feeding peanut butter. Take a large old pine
cone - hang it upside down on a bit of string - smear peanut butter on and
into the cone......wait for the birds to arrive :~))
