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Old 25-02-2007, 04:15 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren Nick Maclaren is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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In article ,
Stewart Robert Hinsley writes:
| DNA data has tomato deep within Solanum - in fact as closer to potatoes
| that are many other unquestioned species of Solanum - which is why the
| botanists have moved tomatoes back into Solanum.

Interesting. It doesn't surprise me - I never did understand why it
was separated, because there is so much in common. Anyway, that is
another "Who gives a damn?" reclassification, as it will cause no
confusion - after all, it is only reverting to an older usage,
except that I think that it was Solanum something-else :-)

| However, Solanum capsicum isn't chilli; it's Jerusalem Cherry. Chillis
| are Capsicum species, and belong to the same group of Solanaceae as
| Solanum, but within any concept of Solanum with any degree of
| acceptance.

Er, Star Capsicum, surely? Jerusalem Cherry is S. pseudocapsicum in
all my books. Or have the species been merged?

Nick Maclaren.