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Old 26-03-2003, 08:44 PM
Donald Henry Shaw
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Growing Box = Ground

Hi, John...

Try going to ANY place that ISN'T a Home Depot (or one of its equivalents)
such as a local, native-to-the-area-owned-by hardware store and repeat your
request. Alternatively you might try any place catering to farmers or
agriculture such as Blue Seal or Agway...

As our nation "homogenizes" and "disney-fies" with the proliferation of
nation-wide mega-stores spreading single products, techniques, approaches
and solutions, [AND destroys the specific, the regional and the local
"character" which for so long made this vast and diversified country such a
special place] it gets harder and harder to easily find what you "really"
want or need.

"Hardware cloth" is a very specific product with any number of uses -- and
it has been for more than a century. If you couldn't readily find it, blame
neither yourself nor the people who turned you towards it -- rather the
"fault" lies with the organizational set-up and philosophies of those folks
with their one-size-fits-all marketing strategies & their lack of "hands-on"
experience with the "real" world who are buying for the big chains...


Good luck with your search!


----- Original Message -----
From: "John NJ"
Sent: Wednesday March 26 2003 1:35 PM
Subject: [IBC] Growing Box = Ground

: Jim:
: I went to Home Depot during lunch and asked three different people for
: hardware cloth. Nobody knew what it was. When I described it they said,
: "OH! You mean wire mesh. Go to building materials."
: I found mesh lathe which felt sharp to the touch and had diamond shaped
: holes. I also found concrete reinforcing mesh with huge holes. There was
: no chicken wire or any fencing material with small holes. They did have
: stuff called bird barrier and deer barrier but that was plastic. Of
: they had regular aluminum window screening.
: Any other idea where I can get the material?
: Thanks, John
: From: Jim Lewis
: The folks at HD or Lowes will know it by the name "hardware
: cloth." It is used for coops, coarse screening, fences for small
: compounds, to reinforce concrete, etc. It comes in largish rolls
: but HD will sell or cut smaller pieces for you. Some day I'd
: like to learn the derivation of "cloth" since it so definitely is
: NOT cloth.
: I use it to screen my feed room in the barn. Otherwise the
: squirrels and other Rodentia chew through regular screening to
: get at the horses' grain.
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