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Rupert wrote:
Forget the half acre, some of the best and most charming gardens are
contained in very small areas.
Very true and it is very much more difficult to garden successfully in
a small space. Any fool can hide a multitude of sins in a large
garden, but the slightest 'hiccup' in a small garden becomes glaringly
obvious. I like the fact that you've taken the bold step of
installing such a proportionally large pond. Most folks do the
opposite and create tiny features and plant tiny plants. It is a huge
mistake that accentuates the limitations of the plot. If well
executed, large bold features and plants can create the impression of
As for the names bit-they aren't really Latin or scientific and sometimes
not even botanical.
Ah the complexities of Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and Arabic, let alone
mention the latinised human names!
You can talk about Busy Lizzie if you want but .....
Now go way and do your homework and report back on "Amorphophallus" :-)
Rupert! You've been reading far too many of Oasian posts ;-)
Don't take any notice BoyPete and for goodness sake, never admit to
having one! For my sins I have several, but I've been around long
enough not to care about what people think :-)