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Old 26-03-2003, 08:08 PM
John NJ
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Default [IBC] Growing Box = Ground


I went to Home Depot during lunch and asked three different people for
hardware cloth. Nobody knew what it was. When I described it they said,
"OH! You mean wire mesh. Go to building materials."

I found mesh lathe which felt sharp to the touch and had diamond shaped
holes. I also found concrete reinforcing mesh with huge holes. There was
no chicken wire or any fencing material with small holes. They did have
stuff called bird barrier and deer barrier but that was plastic. Of course
they had regular aluminum window screening.

Any other idea where I can get the material?

Thanks, John

From: Jim Lewis

The folks at HD or Lowes will know it by the name "hardware
cloth." It is used for coops, coarse screening, fences for small
compounds, to reinforce concrete, etc. It comes in largish rolls
but HD will sell or cut smaller pieces for you. Some day I'd
like to learn the derivation of "cloth" since it so definitely is
NOT cloth.

I use it to screen my feed room in the barn. Otherwise the
squirrels and other Rodentia chew through regular screening to
get at the horses' grain.

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