Thread: ? climber ?
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Old 22-02-2007, 12:46 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
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Default ? climber ?

On 22/2/07 05:42, in article , "BoyPete"

Sacha wrote:
On 21/2/07 19:33, in article
"BoyPete" wrote:

I'm looking for a climber to go up the corner posts of a pergola
over my pond. I'd 'like' something that will grow from a large pot.
Not to have tiny flowers, (like the Wisteria I've seen) as I'd be
forever fishing petals from the pond. Pref. evergreen. Does such a
plant exist?

You mean you want no flowers? Large or small, you'd still be fishing
them from the pond, yes? Don't know your climate but what about

Sorry........SE London. Yes, that looks a possibility, though small flowers
again. Thanks

Ours has never flowered that I've noticed and I don't think I can remember
ever seeing flowers on one in Jersey which is v. similar in climate to
Tresco, where there is a huge one is lovely big swags between trees.
I must just be very unobservant, perhaps but certainly I've seen no
sprinkling of flowers lying around untidily! I'll have to look closer this
year. But it's a good plant though it will need some help just to get
going. I should think it would survive in London unless you get very hard
frosts where you are.

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)