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Old 22-02-2007, 12:33 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Emery Davis Emery Davis is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 129
Default A Chamomile lawn?

On Thu, 22 Feb 2007 09:58:17 GMT
Michael Bell wrote:

In message
"shazzbat" wrote:

"Michael Bell" wrote in message
. uk...
18 months ago I took over a 30s bungalow in Forest Hall, Newcastle on
tyne. It faces south and is not overshadowed by any tall trees or
buildings. There are 2 lawns either side of a central path, about 7
paces long x 3 paces wide. The grass on them was not much good and
building work had made the levels wrong so last autumn I turned over
the lawns and shifted the earth and left them so over the winter. It
is now February and I must soon decide what to do next.

One possibility is Chamomile - or have I been reading too many novels?
(A garden along the road has lavender - the smell is lovely.)

What is your view of chamomile?

Is it expensive? How long does it take to become established? Is it
going to be an everlasting pain to stop the grass from growing
through? Does it do away with the need to mow?

I have no personal experience, but I saw a gardening programme a few years
ago which stated that camomile is not sufficiently hard wearing for use as a
lawn, at least one which has a significant amount of use. They made a raised
seat and planted that with camomile so you get the smell when you sit on it.


That's not going to be a problem. I have no intention of walking on it
any more than I need to tend the flowers around it.

How about creeping thyme? That smells lovely.

I've heard yarrow suggested. Parts of my lawn are filled with the stuff,
it's not easy to get rid of but it does look very green if not cut too short.

Emery Davis
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