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Old 17-02-2007, 08:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
La Puce La Puce is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,423
Default *Very* clingy rosemary

On 17 Feb, 19:11, Sacha wrote:
Maybe incorrectly named. Only maybe. Maybe it's a new sport - who knows?
You don't but you are *determined* to ram it down my throat when all I'm
trying to do is be a bit cautious.
Are you saying that you're not aware that plants are sometimes incorrectly
misattributed and that when that is discovered, corrections are made?
Really? You've never seen that in the Plant Finder?
I could not find that plant because you didn't give its correct name - you
missed out the 'prostrate' bit which was the final, essential component. As
you know, people can only identify plants by their Latin names if they get
the whole story and Latin names make it easier for everyone to know what
they're talking about or looking for.

Sacha it's enough now. I've said 3 times prostatus rosemaries, I've
given you 5 possibilities, I've told you the one I have, I've
mentioned Jackman's and blue rain, both are really creeping,
scrambling, climbing rosemaries R.prostratus VARIETY Jackmans' and
Blue Rain, I've told you where to find them, you told me one didn't
exsisted, I prooved you wrong, I've told you what I thought and your
reply to me was 'Not remotely close to what blablabla....'. And now
'maybe', 'couldn't find it because of wrong name'? What wrong name?
I've said prostratus rosemarinus - plus two different varieties.

Now **** off.